The air conditioner that was considered a luxury item during its early introduction into the market, is now simply a bare necessity. Sure one could argue that our forefathers had endured the sweltering heat of the tropics just fine without a fan, much less an air conditioner but it should be taken into consideration how the situation now is different in comparison.
For example, with the increasing rate of global warming and climate change, we are coming to experience hotter temperatures every year during the hot season (El Nino). Our architecture is also to blame. while folks of the olden days often stayed in open and airy wooden houses with lots of trees and greeneries around, modern day living is more often than not in a tiny apartment in the middle of a concrete jungle. This doesn’t allow your house to cool down naturally and forces you to seek the aid an air conditioner can provide. This vital modern day machine can not only keep your house cool but also improve your health and wellbeing. All this being said, it’s hard to imagine life without air conditioning. But then comes the question. What causes your Aircond to break down and how can you prevent that?
Improper operation is one of the most common air-conditioning issues. If your air conditioner is on, make sure you shut the windows and the doors outside of your house. For air conditioners in buildings, separate the space or a group of related rooms from the rest of your home as much as possible. Compressor and fan controls may also wear out, especially when the air conditioner is frequently switched on and off. In theory it is better to leave your air conditioner running for longer periods of time on a lower fan setting so as to keep your home in a pleasant but not cold temperature, rather than putting it on blast for a few minutes only to turn it off and on again within the hour.
When you allow filters and air conditioning coils to get dirty, the air conditioner will not work properly, and it is possible that the compressor or fans will malfunction prematurely.The air conditioner can’t expel enough heat from the device when dust, grime and mold build up on the condenser coil. It is then forced to run continuously trying to cool the vacuum. The increased pressure and temperature could overheat and fail the compressor.
While this may sound concerning, it is important to note that the good news is that as many as 80 percent of Aircond compressor failure triggers can be avoided if the issues leading to failure are resolved in a timely manner. Such problems as listed above can be detected and prevented through regular and professional servicing and maintenance. When these problems are detected at an early stage it is very likely that a simple chemical wash or a tightening of a few bolts will do the trick and save you the hundreds you would need to spend if the issue prolonged and damaged your Aircond unit.
Have any Aircond problems? Visit Taion SmartService to book an appointment today!
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